Exeter R-VI School District, Exeter Multipurpose Space

Exeter, Missouri


Dake Wells Architecture


Exeter R-VI School District


11,000 sq.ft.

Total Cost


Completion Date


Defined by maximum constraints that require maximum flexibility, this 11,000-square-foot addition takes a three-in-one approach to provide a new multi-use space: a cafeteria, practice gym and performance hall. Situated in rural Exeter, Mo., the school serves as the heart of the community where existing facilities consisted of multiple pre-engineered metal buildings and a maze of tight corridors. By situating the project in an existing courtyard, the solution reorganizes and unifies the campus.

The practice gymnasium and cafeteria is a large space, often characterized by poor sound quality. Yet, musical performances require quality acoustics. These conflicting requirements were resolved with one simple move: a folded wood element created to control and optimize acoustics. Inspired by a sushi roll with layers of varying absorptiveness, folds in the ceiling reflect sound and direct it to the audience below. The ceiling is suspended so that sound dissipates in the void above, and perforations in the wood further fine-tune the space.

Surrounding materials absorb sound and eliminate reverberation. Skylights and clerestory windows flood the space with daylight.

"This project is a creative ‘marriage’ between the main functions, demonstrating an innovative, multi-use example. Thoughtful acoustics and daylighting. Achieved on a tight budget, the space is tasteful and inviting."–2012 jury

Additional Information

Cost per Sq Ft



Gold Citation

Featured in

2012 Educational Interiors

Interior category

Multipurpose Rooms

Product suppliers specified

Carpet by J&J Commercial Carpet
Physical-Education Flooring by Mondo USA
Ceilings by Tectum
Door Hardware by Schlage
Door Hardware by Sargent
Doors by Graham Wood Doors
Paint/Wallcoverings by ICI Paints
Windows by PPG Industries
Washroom Fixtures by American Standard
Athletic Equipment by Alcoa
HVAC Units by Cook
Kitchen Equipment by Hobart
Signage by A.R.K. Ramos
Windows by EFCO
Lighting & Accessories by HE Williams
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